Friday, February 1, 2013

Patronize the Black Owned Business for Black History Month

How are you, I came up with a idea to list all the black owned business ( BOB) that I know of, did a video to shout them out. That way it would be great for the Black History Month to buy something at those business instead of shopping elsewhere. Even though  I think that every month, year, hour, second, etc no matter what time a day or year it is, you need to know your history. Just because they ( the calendar makers) decides when it's Black History Month, doesn't mean that you don't have to start learning about Black History only in February.

I encourage all my black sisters and brothers, boys and girls to:


There's so much to learn, that kids are not being taught or told in these schools! But they will send us as parents to jail if we don't have our kids going to school. Why send them when what they're being taught don't interest them? Mine is going to know, I made it up in my mind to show and tell my son where he came from, and to let him know what's the real. Please let your kids know the truth! I mean the real truth. It's on net, books, it's easy to come up on. It's sites on the net. It's out there, you have to search, find, read, or watch, and learn!! The first book you can start off with is the

 HOLY BIBLE!!!! Real Talk..

I would like to see a school just for black kids, to learn our/their history NO OTHER! NO OFFENSE but they are learning enough of that already and it don't interest them! It's time to switch the game. Someone stand up for the black generation.

Ok, getting back to the root of the story!! I decided to make a video shout out to all the BOB that I know of, and share them with you all so you can patronize them for the month of February, and hopes that they will have a life long customer.

Here's the link to the video,  and I hope that you will make a purchase with one of these companies within this month. to show support to our own brothers and sisters and family and friends.

The businesses that I know of, are in the description box of the video,

Hope you enjoyed, God Bless

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